ENERVOLUTION is an SME providing consulting, research and experimental development services in the energy - water - food nexus.
It builds upon its founder's experience and is able to mobilize a group of trusted consultants and researchers.
Dr. George Kyriakarakos is an Agricultural Engineer, holds an MSc in the field of “Energy Systems and Renewable Energy Sources” and a PhD in the field of “Renewable Energy Autonomous Polygeneration Smartgrids optimized with Soft Computing Techniques”. He has over 19 years of experience in over 55 national and international research, innovation and technical assistance projects in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, rural industrialization and climate change mitigation sectors. Furthermore, in many of these projects he has been utilizing artificial intelligence approaches for the design, sizing, management and control of complex energy systems as well for developing decision support systems for energy policy planning and climate change mitigation. Finally, he has worked as a technical and regulatory expert concerning renewables, energy efficiency and rural electrification. George has authored 24 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 4 book chapters and 26 international conference publications with over 1230 citations of his work. His h-index is 12 and his g-index is 35. Moreover, Dr. Kyriakarakos was part of the consultants’ teams that developed:
(i) the “Strategy and Action Plan for a Harmonized Regulatory Framework for the Electricity Market in Africa”
(ii) the “Guidelines for Institutional and Policy Model for Mini/Microgrids”,
(iii) the “Guidelines for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) Energy Labelling and Eco-Design at the Continental Level”
(iv) the “Guide for policy makers on developing Quality Assurance frameworks for off-grid appliances in Africa”
(v) the “Strategy and Roadmap for Smart Distribution Grids in Africa” and
(vi) the “African Union Post-COVID-19 Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for the African Energy Sector along with its implementation and M&E framework”, all of which have been adopted by the AU Heads of State and Government. Finally, he has worked as an expert for European Investment Bank in the field of climate change mitigation and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a renewable energy expert.
More information about the founder's experience can be found in his linkedin page.
It builds upon its founder's experience and is able to mobilize a group of trusted consultants and researchers.
Dr. George Kyriakarakos is an Agricultural Engineer, holds an MSc in the field of “Energy Systems and Renewable Energy Sources” and a PhD in the field of “Renewable Energy Autonomous Polygeneration Smartgrids optimized with Soft Computing Techniques”. He has over 19 years of experience in over 55 national and international research, innovation and technical assistance projects in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, rural industrialization and climate change mitigation sectors. Furthermore, in many of these projects he has been utilizing artificial intelligence approaches for the design, sizing, management and control of complex energy systems as well for developing decision support systems for energy policy planning and climate change mitigation. Finally, he has worked as a technical and regulatory expert concerning renewables, energy efficiency and rural electrification. George has authored 24 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 4 book chapters and 26 international conference publications with over 1230 citations of his work. His h-index is 12 and his g-index is 35. Moreover, Dr. Kyriakarakos was part of the consultants’ teams that developed:
(i) the “Strategy and Action Plan for a Harmonized Regulatory Framework for the Electricity Market in Africa”
(ii) the “Guidelines for Institutional and Policy Model for Mini/Microgrids”,
(iii) the “Guidelines for Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) Energy Labelling and Eco-Design at the Continental Level”
(iv) the “Guide for policy makers on developing Quality Assurance frameworks for off-grid appliances in Africa”
(v) the “Strategy and Roadmap for Smart Distribution Grids in Africa” and
(vi) the “African Union Post-COVID-19 Recovery Strategy and Action Plan for the African Energy Sector along with its implementation and M&E framework”, all of which have been adopted by the AU Heads of State and Government. Finally, he has worked as an expert for European Investment Bank in the field of climate change mitigation and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a renewable energy expert.
More information about the founder's experience can be found in his linkedin page.